Transmissions & Transmission Repairs in Clearwater | Largo, Florida
Transmission Maintenance
Think you might need a transmission in Clearwater? Any car dealer will tell you that preventive maintenance is critical to the life of your car. Like other parts on your vehicle, car transmissions aren’t built to last forever. However, you can increase the transmission’s lifespan by performing regular preventive maintenance. The easiest way to maintain peak performance and fuel economy is to provide regular transmission maintenance for your vehicle. To have your transmission maintained by an auto repair shop near me, Call Clearwater Auto Repair.
Transmission Repair
Our services include transmission repair in Clearwater and the surrounding area on both manual and automatic transmissions. The first step in getting you back on the road is assessing your transmission to accurately determine the source of the problem. In some cases, we are able to repair your transmission simply with adjustments, replacing external seals, or replacing accessible parts. To have this done by auto care specialists, call or come in to our Clearwater transmission repair shop today.
Transmission Repair and Rebuild
When it comes to automatic transmission repair in Clearwater, there are several options: buying a new one, buying a re-manufactured one or having yours rebuilt. Each of the above options has its own share of advantages and disadvantages. Of the three options, rebuilt transmissions are the most economical. A rebuilt transmission involves removing the transmission from the car, disassembling it, replacing worn out parts, reassembling it, and then reinstalling it. To have this done by our transmission specialists, call 727-459-9398 to talk to our transmission repair experts today.
Transmission Replacement
In motor vehicles, the transmission usually refers to the gear box, which uses gears and gear trains to transmit speed and torque from a rotating power source to another device. You can have your car’s transmission replaced with a new, rebuilt, re-manufactured, repaired or used transmission. For more information contact our Clearwater auto transmissions shop in Clearwater, FL. Our experienced service technicians can help you make the best decision for your car and your wallet.
Automatic Transmission
Automatic Transmissions shift between gears automatically to optimize driving, and changes gears based on the driver’s throttle pedal, vehicle speed, engine speed, and vehicle load. Typical automatic transmissions have 4-5 forward gear ratios, a Reverse, Park, and Neutral gear. Shifting gears occur automatically once the car is in Drive and there is no need for a clutch pedal or gear shift like there is in a Manual Transmission. Automatic transmission repair is complicated based on all the components that make it up, and you need to have any automatic transmission issues properly assessed by transmission experts at our Clearwater transmission repair shop.
Four-Wheel Drive Transmission
A four-wheel (4×4) drive vehicle has differential gears, both front and rear axles, and a transfer case attached to the transmission. Four-wheel drive vehicles demand maintenance on the transfer case, front differentials, rear differentials, and transmission fluids. Visit us 4655 118th Ave. unit B Clearwater, Florida 33762 for service on your four-wheel drive transmission services.
Front-Wheel Drive Transmission
If your vehicle has Front-wheel drive, the engine drives the front wheels only. The power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles. The engine, transmission, and additional hardware is all located in the front of the car. Call our Clearwater auto repair shop and we will gladly repair your front-wheel drive transmission vehicle.
Manual Transmission
Driving a vehicle with a Manual Transmission requires using the clutch pedal and gear shift to manually shift gears based on the speed of the vehicle. Manual transmissions have been built with anywhere from two to eight gears. Front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive are the two main configurations for manual transmissions. Typically, manual transmissions require less maintenance then automatic transmissions. Clearwater Auto Repair, our auto mechanics can diagnose your vehicle and then recommend the transmission repair or transmission service you need to ensure safety and improve the lifetime of your vehicle.
In motor vehicles, the transmission usually refers to the gear box, which uses gears and gear trains to transmit speed and torque from a rotating power source to another device. You can have your car’s transmission replaced with a new, rebuilt, re-manufactured, repaired or used transmission. For more information contact our Clearwater transmission repair shop. Our experienced service technicians can help you make the best decision for your vehicle and your wallet.
Service, Diagnose and Repair
Transmission repair is not something to take lightly. The transmission is connected to key parts of your vehicle and needs to be working properly for your safety. Transmission services include replacing filters and draining fluids to prevent transmission damage. Typical transmission issues that may lead to repair may include shifting issues, slipping, stalling, fluid leaking, and the service light turning on. If you are concerned that you may need transmission repair, don’t hesitate to make an appointment today.
Transfer Cases
A transfer case is a part of a four wheel drive system found in four wheel drive and all wheel drive vehicles. The transfer case receives power from the transmission and sends it to both the front and rear axles. This can be done with a set of gears, but the majority of transfer cases manufactured today are chain driven. The transfer case is connected to the transmission and also to the front and rear axles by means of drive shafts. For all your transmission repairs or concerns, call our Clearwater Transmission repair shop today.